Growing Hope Globaly Partnership

Through the Foods Resource Bank Ottawa-Barrington Growing Project, Barrington UMC joins forces with farmers in Ottawa, Illinois, in a unique program of growing and giving.


Worship is central to the life of the church and the reading of scripture is central to worship. If you read with a clear voice and value bringing the scriptures to life, we encourage you to consider joining our team of Liturgists. ...

Meals with Wheels

Managed by the Barrington Area Council On Aging, volunteers for Meals with Wheels deliver hot food at lunchtime, Monday through Friday, to persons unable to shop or prepare their own meals. By providing a nutritious meal and a brief visit once a...

Northern Illinois Food Bank

Barrington UMC has been a crucial part of the response to food insecurity in our region through the produce grown and harvested in the congregation’s garden, community meals cooked and shared, and partnership with the FISH food pantry...

Outdoor Worship Support

Do you enjoy outdoor worship? Can you come early or stay after to move equipment? Adults and youth are invited to join a rotating crew to set up ahead of the sound crew, pastors and musicians at 7:30 a.m. from May through...

Shawl Ministry

Join a group of knitters to create and pray over beautiful prayer shawls that are given to those going through tough times. No registration necessary - just bring you knitting, your hands and your heart for prayer! Contact the church office...

Sound Team

Are you good at logic puzzles? Can you respond and adapt flexibly in real time? Do you easily differentiate sounds? Let us teach you all the rest! Adults and youth are invited to join the team, there is a place for your here! To explore...

Traveling Tea Party

Join a group to visit those in our congregation who cannot get out easily, bringing fellowship and companionship to them in their homes. Each group of two or three is provided with the name of an individual to visit and a basket with all of the...